Supporting people working for a nonviolent world.
We’re recruiting!
The Commonweal Trust is recruiting an Outreach Worker to work closely with the Collection Development Worker, The Peace Museum and the J.B. Priestley Library, to help activists discover and use the peace and nonviolence resources which make up the Commonweal Library. More information and how to apply here.
Commonweal is an educational organisation that shares nonviolence resources in a range of ways. Our aim is to inspire, inform and connect those involved in movements for nonviolent social change. We cover these areas:
- methods of nonviolent action
- personal change
- equalities
- regenerative living
- peace and peace-keeping
- political and economic alternatives
Methods of nonviolent action Protest & persuasion • non-cooperation • nonviolent intervention |
Personal change Managing emotions • nonviolent communication • DIY culture & self-sufficiency • nonviolent parenting |
Equalities Tackling colonialism, slavery, racism, sexism, homophobia & transphobia • animal rights • the rights of nature |
Regenerative living Reducing waste and pollution • zero carbon initiatives • local food & energy production |
Peace and peacekeeping Disarmament • conscientious objection • resolving & preventing conflict |
Political & economic alternatives Redistributing wealth • free speech • freedom of information • democratic participation • tackling corruption |
Our focus is broad because real, lasting change takes all kinds of initiatives, in all kinds of fields.
Together we can build a nonviolent world, one step at a time.
Contact us with your insights into working for a nonviolent world, and keep up with our news through:
Or support our work with a donation through JustGiving.